Daily Photo Blog

These are photos taken in the garden on a daily basis throughout the year, so you can see the seasonal changes as they occur.

Week of June 1st, 2009

Photos of Magnolia wilsonii and Magnolia sieboldii flowers

6/1 - Magnolia wilsonii (flowers looking down) and Magnolia sieboldii (flowers looking out)


Primula chungensis photo

6/2 - Primula chungensis


Photos of Podophyllum delavayi

6/3 - Podophyllum delavayi syn. Dysosma delavayi, including leaf and flower details. The flowers hide under the leaves, near the base of the stalks.


Iris japonica photo

6/4 - Iris japonica


Photo of Physocarpus opulifolius 'Summer Wine'

6/5 - Physocarpus opulifolius 'Summer Wine'


Cornus kousa 'Goldstar' photo

6/6 - Cornus kousa 'Goldstar'


Photo of unknown rhododendron

6/7 - An unknown Rhododendron



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